Wednesday, May 3, 2017

Integrate AEM with LDAP


You can configure Adobe Experience Manager (AEM) 6 to  synchronize user account information from a third-party LDAP service. By configuring AEM to use a third-party LDAP service, you can authenticate LDAP users when logging into AEM. This article describes how to setup Apache Directory service (a popular open source LDAP service), create a new user, configure AEM 6 to use Apache Directory service, and finally login to AEM with the new user entered into Apache Directory service.

Note: Article tested in AEM 6.2


You'll need to install AEM 6 or 6.1 to complete this walkthrough. If you do not have a AEM installation up and running If you don’t have then please contact


You'll perform the following broad steps during the course of this walkthrough:
  1. Install ApacheDS
  2. Create a new entry and user in ApacheDS
  3. Configure AEM with ApacheDS
  4. Validate CQ-ApacheDS integration